Thursday, July 21, 2022

reinventing myself... rekindling my crafty passions

 Lately I've been fed up with the direction my sewing and mending idea has taken...all my time is filled with other people's mending and alterations when what I really wanted to create was a space for learning and enabling people to learn to sew and mend their own things...

I have now closed my sewing and mending websites.. simply coralwood and the sewing lady as attracting too many alteration customers and not allowing me time to be creative.. I have many quirky and unique items that I have made over the past three years that I have not managed to sell ...because nobody sees them..... earrings, knitted socks, patchwork bags, upcycled pot holders, rune bags with runes and magick wands from hazel and beech twigs.... and various fabric sewn bags galore...

Recently I created two cushion covers for my sister's patio chairs ..... circular with fancy piped edges....

I intend to take some stock photos of my creations and display them all over the internet and see if people will buy them ...